Our Mission


We’re here to demystify—and re-humanize—the business of technology.


Here’s the deal: we believe that humans come first, and technology comes second. We take great pride in doing the one thing that sets us apart from every other tech company: spending time and energy on the people behind the technology.

The vast majority of our clients choose to work with Motion 3 Technology for two reasons:

  • First, we have the technical expertise required to develop, implement, and maintain great IT solutions that evolve and change with your business.

  • Second, our clients tell us that our ability to communicate complex systems with kindness and patience to everyone on their team—from the board room to the front office—is what keeps them coming back to Motion 3.

A small non-profit like ours does not have the resources for its own IT staff. We rely on Motion 3 Technology for routine, emergency, and strategic IT needs. Jack has saved us money and improved productivity. When we were seeking to lower expenses by moving to less expensive, smaller space, Motion 3 amplified savings by recommending we move from traditional phone service to Google phones. This change alone saved us over $3,000 a year. Jack is always readily available when we have an an emergency. He just makes things work.
— Linda Graviss; Operations Manager; Community Shares of Greater Cincinnati

