The Motion 3 Model



The most successful businesses have the ability to think years down the road, particularly when it comes to their technology and IT needs. Motion 3 Technology partners with you to better understand your business needs today while keeping in mind your potential for growth and expansion. Our recommendations incorporate the solutions, systems, and devices that will best suit you in the long run—which means we will never recommend products or systems that work only as “quick fixes.”

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IT Audit and Current Solution Assessment

Strategic Planning and Needs Projections

Outsourced Chief Technology Officer Services

Technology Solutions Budgeting and Expense Forecasting



As you add more technology to your business, it’s critical to incorporate an equal or greater amount of human assessment, too. Motion 3 Technology is different from every other IT company in that we prioritize education in everything we do. Our “human assessment” is a core component of what we do, and we layer it on top of our technical evaluations. You and your team have a specific set of capabilities, skills, and experiences that you bring to the table. We learn how to leverage those skills as well as build new ones for long-term success.

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Workplace trainings and one-on-one support

Individual needs assessments and problem solving

Ongoing workflow evaluations


Partnering with Motion 3 Technology means that you always have a go-to person to call when you need help with your existing IT systems or short-term projects. Your business will run more efficiently with the right products in place and a dedicated team of people who understand how—and why—you are using them. Our support services are designed to prevent emergencies and better set your team up for success. See a full list of our specialties and areas of support here.

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New network implementation and training

Device management

Workflow and file-sharing management

Software research and recommendations

Product and software integration